Our aim is not just to provide quality candidates to the firms who need them. We're here to change the face of legal recruitment. Recruiters have a bad reputation, often described as a necessary evil. At key Law our goals aren't fees, they're relationships, testimonials, weekend casual catch-ups and yes, quality placements as a consequence.
It's all in the detail. Our candidate registration calls are more in depth, our client instructions are more detailed and our communications minute for minute, email for email more worthy of your time. We have no patience for busy fooling, we do not indulge time wasting and we will not waste a moment with false promises or outdated market information.
We are a customer service provider. Our obligation is to provide world class customer service at every stage. Unlike our competitors we will gladly advise if a salary expectation is unreasonable, or a skill set is unmatchable. We are solution driven, not pipe dream indulgent and through that honest discourse our proven service continues to shine.